Schoolroom Swag

Elementary Teacher

Having fun in the classroom and "balancing" life!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A secret agent library

School starts in 2 days and my room is not done. Is that sad? Or normal? I don't know, and frankly, I'm not even worried about it. It's come SO far in the last week or two. I even had multiple comments from parents at our Open House night about how they couldn't believe it came together. (: Again, sad. But again... not concerned. What gets done, gets done. And the rest? In a month, I won't remember what my additional decoration plans were, and I'll be so in the thick of life that I won't care anymore.

The only pictures I have so far are my library. And yes, they're taken with my phone. Which I'm sure I've mentioned, might as well be a flip phone.

            So...some before pictures. I decided on a secret agent theme this year. And keep in mind, it got worse before it got better.The door is back behind all that mess somewhere.

In the next one, you're looking across the room at the library. It's full of boxes and desks. And stuff.
And after. But only the library in the far corner of the room.

Binoculars, whistles, and watches hanging from the lanterns. I couldn't find black lanterns anywhere!

The hanging helicopter (yikes, what a pain in the arse that was!!!) is from Oriental Trading. so is the skyline scene. It's supposed to look like a window with curtains.

                                                My daughter made this fake computer. (:

She also made these "restricted access" pieces. A hand scanner and calculator for keying in your access code.

And my son made the safe. The writing is not up to par, as far as I'm concerned, but I'm out of time. And when your kids make you something for your room, you use it. Or that will be the end of their help.

Ok, so that's it for now. I'll be back with more in the next few days. Thanks for looking! I can't wait to see everyone else's! Don't you love looking at classrooms?
Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]


  1. I like the theme - and all the fun stuff you've out together for it - even the safe :)

  2. Hey Sara- I gave you a little shout out in my latest post!


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