We heard one of the team members at a conference last year and we're doing a faculty study on it this year. It is really good. It's really changing my discipline style quite a bit. Not completely, but tweaking it and making life so much less stressful. At least at this point in the honeymoon.
The basic preface is that in order to achieve behaviors that you desire, you need to develop relationships with the students and let them know you like them unconditionally. Seems elementary, I know, but it's given a fresh, new twist. And give them choices. Allow them to fail and show them empathy when they do. They will learn and grow and gain internal self-worth and confidence, which will lead to good behavior.
The book is filled with examples of stories as well as dialogues to help teachers know what to say. That's tough sometimes. I love the ease of use of this book, and the practicality of it. Here's one practical take-away that I"ve really used a lot so far this year:
"You may choose to walk on your tip-toes to the rug, or walk normally." It's turning my runners into model students.
Ok, I've fallen asleep no less than 4 times in the last 2 paragraphs. Time for bed.
Thanks for reading!
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A teacher friend uses love and logic and it seems like a great program. It's hard for me to think of the choices - so good the book gives ideas. Sara