Schoolroom Swag

Elementary Teacher

Having fun in the classroom and "balancing" life!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Rainforest, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and a little Tim Hawkins for a laugh!

Hi everyone!
Is anyone having trouble uploading to TPT? I have a Rainforest story to add. I decided that after all my Hawaii love, my classroom theme for the year will be Hawaiian/beach. But only for the reading corner, and the rest of it will be polka dots. Yes, I'm jumping on the polka dot bandwagon. So I've also decided to use Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for the first week of school, and am making a unit for that, too. Although in my adult-onset ADD, I've started 18 projects and have only finished ONE. And that one I haven't even made activities for. But it's a story, so it was very time-consuming, in my defense. Why does it sound like I'm talking to my husband, not fellow teacher-friends who understand and don't judge??!!

Anyhow, here's a picture of my newly-created story:

It's a number book (that can be sung to "Over in the Meadow") that teaches about animals in the rainforest and how the rainforests are being destroyed. I did a lot of research for this and I had no idea how sad it all is. Makes me want to join Greenpeace and jump on a plane, to... do what I don't know. It does make you feel pretty insignificant in helping. So, a portion of the sales of this book (if I ever get it uploaded to TPT) will be given to a Rainforest charity.Maybe that will alleviate the guilt I will feel as I print off the pages on non-recycled paper. 

So I'll be tying Hawaii/polka dots in with ChickaChicka BoomBoom and the rainforest and the desert and soil. And communities.  No problem. If this were a movie there would be foreboding music playing. I'm hoping all these things together will take me through October. We'll see.

If I can pull this off, I definitely think it is worthy of a field trip to the Rainforest Cafe! Volcanos on me!!! (Have you had one of those?) Really, it's all about the food. Seriously. What is wrong with me??!! It's a sickness!

Need a good laugh? Have you heard of Tim Hawkins? Go here and listen! He's hilarious!!

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]


  1. I'm on the polka dotted bandwagon with you!! I look forward to seeing more of your theme as you develop it! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Thanks for the comments, Lisa! Good luck with your polka dots. I'll update you as I get mine done- maybe we can share some ideas.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! You will be my fourth follower...ha! I added the "follow this site" right under my profile. I haven't had much time to play with my blog, but now I do (hallelujah Summer!). I will post more Rainforest pictures just for you :)

    1. Thanks! I'm gonna go back to your blog again and try again to follow you and check out your new pictures. Have a great week!

  4. Ann,
    I love your blog! The title is too funny! I'm a little bummed I didn't think of it myself! :) My students always joke about how much I love coffee and how I always have an iced coffee on my desk in the morning! Even the parents start saying things like, "My son said you really love coffee, and he insisted I buy you a coffee mug?" Anyway, I'm your newest follower, and I can't wait to see how the rainforest/polka dot theme comes together!!

    Miss J

    1. Hi Miss Jones- Do you get way too many coffee mugs??!! (: One year I got enough Starbucks gift cards at Christmas that I could get one caramel macchiato a week until spring break ! That was AWESOME! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Love the name of your blog-doesn't that just sum it all up??? I just discovered you and I'm your newest follower. Best of luck developing that new theme!


  6. Thanks for the smiles! I so enjoyed reading some of your blog as you "think out loud." :)Good luck on the remaining 17 projects. I signed up with tpt last fall but am just now exploring and entertaining the idea of posting some of my own little projects. We'll see...

    1. You should try out TPT. It's free, so what can it hurt other than the obsessive amounts of time you'll spend checking to see how many people view your products. (: If you're me, anyway.
      Thanks for stopping by!


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