Schoolroom Swag

Elementary Teacher

Having fun in the classroom and "balancing" life!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Phonics assessment pages and small group reading organizers freebie

My school's phonics curriculum is included in the reading series. It's pretty good, but pretty tough to assess. I always felt like I had to re-invent the wheel when it comes to finding ways to assess their phonics skills and give them a way to practice. I made some units to help with phonemic practice that went beyond worksheets, but I haven't made any more. Maybe this summer. So finally, I came up with this:

Not exactly reinventing the wheel or creating some new, exciting revolution in education, I know. But sometimes I'm  a little slow on the uptake. Each day I use my  basal for the phonics skill we will practice, and the kids write their answers on white boards. Then I record how many they got right and am able to enter it into my gradebook. I keep the recording sheet so I have that record when parents come to me wanting to know about their child's grade.

The Small Group Reading sheet is where I keep track of my small groups. I number my students and write which  kids I met with under each day of the week. I use the chart to write notes on the reader's fluency and how they did with the strategy we discussed that week. I also keep these on file until the end of the year.

I know it's simple, and many of you have much better plans already in place. But in case you don't, here's where you can get these.

I still try to do an activity based on the phonics skill, too. This week for the ai sound  we listened to rain and made raindrops for our  garden focus wall. We sang rain songs. We were supposed to paint, but we never got to it. Don't you hate that??!!  We'll see what next week brings. It's not Sunday night at 10 PM yet. My lesson plans are still only a twinkle in my eye. (:

 Thanks for reading!
 Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

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